

The Price of Headphones in your Gym

The Price of Headphones in your Gym

A Gym­music Blog by Ste­ve Hayward, UK Count­ry Mana­ger When you look at your clients in your gym wor­king out what do you see? Do you see a lot of your cus­to­mers wea­ring headp­ho­nes? If so, that might just be a sign that you need to make some chan­ges in your gym before…

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How To Make Your Own Brand of Workouts

How To Make Your Own Brand of Workouts

With Set4Play making your own bran­ded wor­kouts is easy and it means you can set your­self free from expen­si­ve third par­ty pro­vi­ders and har­ness the skills of your exis­ting Group Ex instruc­tor base.  If you are a gym deli­ve­ring Group Exerci­se to your mem­bers you are…

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I Hate Playlists

I Hate Playlists

Blog Post by Ste­ve Hayward, UK Count­ry Mana­ger I hate Play­lists. I think part­ly the problem is the sty­le of wor­kout that I do. I’m a litt­le too old now to be buil­ding big muscle and my pas­sions are run­ning, kay­aking and clim­bing so when I go to the gym, it tends to be…

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What Some Gyms are Doing Wrong: Music

What Some Gyms are Doing Wrong: Music

Blog Post by Ste­ve Hayward, UK Count­ry Mana­ger at Gym­music I’ve been to a lot of gyms, more than most people. It’s part of my job to unders­tand a gym’s client base, the atmosp­he­re, the sty­le of the place and then help them set up our Pin2 music strea­ming service…

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