
Set4Play Enterprise

All-In-One Con­tent Solu­tion for Group Exerci­se music mix crea­tion and distribution

Set4Play Enterprise has been designed for and is used by:

Gym & Fitness Centres

Group Training Programmes

Group Fitness Brands

Large Sports Organisations

Set4Play Enterpri­se is a music and wor­kout solu­tion crea­ted by Gym­music speci­fical­ly for group fit­ness music pro­duc­tion, distri­bu­tion and play­back. With the Set4Play its fast and easy to crea­te your own music mixes that sup­port your wor­kouts and sha­re your wor­kouts with all the other group trai­ning Instruc­tors in your organisation.

With Set4Play this can be achie­ved secu­re­ly and wit­hin an orde­red struc­tu­re along with all the sup­port mate­rials your instruc­tors need to deli­ver your group exerci­se clas­ses to an excep­tio­nal standard.

How Set4Play Enterprise works?






Set4Play Enterprise’s four step process: Pro­duce – Distri­bu­te – Learn – Per­form all from one plat­form, giving you efficient and cost saving admi­ni­stra­tion of your Group Exerci­se Classes

To learn more about the latest evo­lu­tion in group trai­ning mana­ge­ment, down­load Our Set4Play Enterpri­se broc­hu­re for more information.

    What can Set4Play Enterprise do?

    For Your Clients:

    • Inc­rea­se your client base through the deli­ve­ry of bet­ter qua­li­ty wor­kouts and a grea­ter varie­ty of activities.
    • With mul­tiple wor­kouts under a single Concept, Instruc­tors have many wor­kout options and can give your clients the varie­ty they need to come back time and again.
    • Inc­rea­se class con­sis­tency. Clear cho­reo­grap­hy and instruc­tions help Instruc­tors to impro­ve and deli­ver high qua­li­ty classes.
    • By auto­ma­ting key parts of your group ses­sions, we enable your Instruc­tors to focus more atten­tion on your clients form and progres­sion, hel­ping to impro­ve their fit­ness experience.

    For Instruc­tors:

    • Bet­ter clas­ses. No more fumbling around skip­ping forward and back in the midd­le of a class to find tracks.
    • Empower your most capable Instruc­tors to crea­te supe­rior wor­kouts quickly and on-brand.
    • Straight forward user inter­face with clear, class cent­ric information
    • Lear­ning faci­li­ty ensu­res you have a compre­hen­si­ve unders­tan­ding of each class and deli­ver supe­rior wor­kouts. Instruc­tors can review and learn new clas­ses on their mobi­le any­ti­me and anyw­he­re, get­ting your latest wor­kout to your clients faster.
    • Learn new wor­kouts on the go with compre­hen­si­ve help and support.
    • Always be rea­dy, even at short notice. Wor­kouts are down­loa­ded to your device and are the­re for when you need them, even if the­re is not inter­net connection.
    • Legal, mul­ti-level mix faci­li­ty for your Instruc­tors to crea­te their own wor­kouts with full ori­gi­nal artist tracks.

    For Gym Chains and Group Fit­ness Operators:

    • A ful­ly bran­ded tech­no­lo­gy solu­tion to power the growth of your group wor­kout brand.
    • Reduce costs to deve­lop and distri­bu­te new ful­ly cho­reo­grap­hed wor­kout mixes.
    • Deli­ver bet­ter clas­ses in shor­ter time fra­mes, reducing your costs and rai­sing the ove­rall quality.
    • Reduce expen­si­ve third-par­ty over­heads, wit­hout sac­ri­ficing qua­li­ty by empowe­ring your best Instructors
    • Keep your Instruc­tors up to date with your latest wor­kouts. Legacy wor­kouts can be ins­tant­ly remo­ved or easi­ly edi­ted and updated.
    • Enhanced secu­ri­ty fea­tu­res reduce unre­gu­la­ted distri­bu­tion of your wor­kout mixes, uti­li­sing a ful­ly mana­ged password sys­tem and enc­ryp­tion, giving pro­tec­tion to your brand and safe­guar­ding your intel­lec­tual property.
    • No discs, pos­ta­ge, USB sticks or complex distri­bu­tion chal­len­ges. With the music mix, the wor­kout, the lear­ning faci­li­ty, sup­por­ting mate­rials and distri­bu­tion mec­ha­nism all in one plat­form it’s pos­sible to radical­ly reduce your sup­port costs.
    • Ful­ly enga­ge your Fit­ness Instruc­tor base and impro­ve reten­tion by kee­ping your Instruc­tors for longer.

    Trusted by 850 fitness locations across the UK and Europe

    Since 2010 Gym­music has specia­lized in pro­vi­ding music to the fit­ness industry. We are dedica­ted to pro­vi­ding inno­va­ti­ve music solu­tions exclusi­ve­ly to group trai­ning envi­ron­ments and gyms.

    Over 800 gyms and trai­ning cen­ters in Swe­den, Fin­land and the UK trust our exper­ti­se. Some of our refe­rences: David Llo­yd Clubs, Fitness24Seven, Well­ness Stu­dio, Lady­Li­ne, Easy­Fit, Fres­si, Liik­ku and many more.

    Let us help you with your group fitness challenges!

    Set4Play is the next evo­lu­tio­na­ry step in deli­ve­ring group fit­ness. It has been crea­ted from the ground up to overco­me the chal­len­ges of group fit­ness deli­ve­ry. Get in touch with us now to unders­tand how you can save and impro­ve your group fit­ness classes.