Gymmusic: Fitness music for gyms and sporting venues


 Pin2 is our high­ly auto­ma­ted fit­ness music ser­vice that com­bi­nes a great cus­to­mer expe­rience, with ease of use to give you a music expe­rience that will pro-acti­ve­ly impro­ve your cus­to­mer retention.


Set4Play pro­vi­des you and your group exerci­se instruc­tors with a single power­ful tool to disco­ver great music and mix your tracks and sha­re new wor­kouts. Crea­te Mixes to fit your wor­kout, add your cho­reo­grap­hy infor­ma­tion or instruc­tor notes and publish your group wor­kouts quickly and easily.

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Fitness music for gyms and exercise spaces


Pin2 allows for easy background music sche­du­ling (BPM, gen­res, top-list etc) accor­ding to venue ope­ning hours and mem­ber demographics.


Set4Play is a music ser­vice desig­ned for group fit­ness trai­ning.  Make your own play­lists or mix the music to fit your wor­kout (search music by artist name, BPM, relea­se date etc).

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Intelligent music services for the fitness industry

Pin2 - Music for Fitness Venues

Our high­ly auto­ma­ted Pin2 plat­form is sui­table for both small and lar­ge exerci­se spaces.

All tracks are care­ful­ly selec­ted, con­ti­nuo­us­ly upda­ted. Ful­ly licen­sed ori­gi­nal artist music and also a 4000 tracks roy­al­ty free catalouge. 

Pin2 - Voice Messaging 

NEW: Our voice mes­sa­ging ser­vice can be used for impor­tant inter­nal messages.

Upsell your pro­ducts and mem­bers­hips with bes­po­ke voice mes­sa­ging, auto­ma­tical­ly sche­du­led, speci­fic to your needs.

Set4Play - Music for Group Exercise

Crea­te your fit­ness play­lists with a ful­ly PRS/PPL compliant and legal ser­vice + RF music cata­lou­ge.  Mix your music to fit your wor­kout structure.

Sha­re your Set4Play wor­kouts with your instruc­tor base and impro­ve your clas­ses and reduce your trai­ning costs.

Gymmusic: Passion for music, love for technology!

Foun­ded in 2010, Gym­music is an inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­ny specia­li­sing in pro­vi­ding a compre­hen­si­ve sui­te of music tech­no­lo­gy pro­ducts exclusi­ve­ly for the fit­ness industry. Hundreds of sports venues across Euro­pe rely on our ser­vices to enter­tain and inform their cus­to­mers whilst they are wor­king out.

Of cour­se the­re are dai­ly chal­len­ges of run­ning a fit­ness busi­ness. We know that… so we hand­le all the chal­len­ging parts of having a great music offe­ring, allowing your staff to focus on what mat­ters for your busi­ness, the customer!

One of the most impor­tant fac­tors influencing your client’s expe­rience at your venue is music. Music sets the atmosp­he­re and crea­tes the tone.  All our ser­vices have been crea­ted to ins­pi­re your all cus­to­mers to keep coming back for more.

Start using our music services today!

Is it time to switch to a professional music service at your venue?
Get in touch! We will be happy to help.

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