Set4Play Group Exercise Music Service

All-In-One Music Ser­vice for Fit­ness Professionals

  • Works on mobi­le and desk­top (with dedica­ted app for playback)
  • Crea­te your play­lists with a smart search (Artist, Track, Year, BPM etc.)
  • Easy mixing tool with Inter­val, sound effect and BPM functionalities
  • Ful­ly Legal, PRS & PPL licen­sed music library
  • Cons­tant­ly upda­ted music libra­ry and top lists

No Cre­dit Card required.

See how Set4Play works!

Music that fits your workout!

Set4Play Music Ser­vice has been crea­ted for group trai­ning and fit­ness pro­fes­sio­nals. With Set4Play you can crea­te play­lists or you use the mixing tool to adapt the music to your cho­reo­grap­hy. The­re is also a cho­reo­grap­hy edi­tor which allows you to note all your cho­reo­grap­hy points and sync them with the music.

And all of this is so easy to use that any­one can learn it!

What’s included in Set4Play?

Huge Library of great workout tracks

We add new music to Set4Play music libra­ry con­ti­nuo­us­ly eve­ry week. Set4Play has music for all wor­kout types. If you can’t find somet­hing from our libra­ry, you can always order the tracks you need via our in-built track orde­ring system.

Smart Music Library Search

You can crea­te your play­lists with a smart search tool. Fil­ter by artist name, track, relea­se year, BPM, length of the track, gen­res and lan­gua­ge and . The­re is even a pos­si­bi­li­ty to show only top-list mar­ked tracks.

Save hours of time and find the best tracks instantly!


In-Built Choreography Editor

Set4Play seam­less­ly inte­gra­tes your class notes to the play­lists you have crea­ted. Learn your class cho­reo­grap­hies by just lis­te­ning to the music and fol­lowing the synced notes in the app or fol­low your notes live at the class!


Easy Mixing Functionalities

Edit your selec­ted tracks, alter BPM, mix them toget­her, add cross fades, copy tracks to make Inter­vals, chan­ge sound volu­me for cer­tain sec­tions and add sound effects on the music. Fast, easy and pro­duces great results, pro-mixes with easy to use tools.

Offline Playback Supported

Set4Play plays music even in the most remo­te cel­lar-based gym wit­hout Wifi or 4G. When you have crea­ted your music, Set4Play syncs the music to your Set4Play Play­back app. No more music outages!

Fully PRS/PPL compliant 

Ful­ly legal. Just enjoy the music, wor­ry free. 




No Cre­dit Card required.

Interested? Start mixing your group exercise music with Set4Play!

Set4Play is avai­lable with ori­gi­nal artist music or roy­al­ty free options.

It is the ideal music ser­vice for fit­ness pro­fes­sio­nals who deli­ver regu­lar classes:

  • Free­lance Group Exerci­se Instruc­tors (Self-emplo­yed)
  • Per­so­nal Trai­ners (Self-emplo­yed)
  • Dance Teac­hers
  • Indoor Cycling Instructors
  • Yoga and Pila­tes Teachers
  • Fit­ness Circuits and HIIT classes
  • And many more!

You are welco­me to try out Set4Play. We offer a free 30 day trial, no up front cre­dit card details required.

Get started with Set4Play today!

For Free­lancer Instructors/Sole Traders:

No Cre­dit Card required.

If you repre­sent a Gym, Fit­ness Cent­re or Gym chain, fill in the form below. Gym­music Sales will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Company type*

    Specify the music catalogue you would like to use* 

    Number of instructors*