Privacy Statement (Updated: 25 October 2022)

This is a pri­vacy sta­te­ment in accor­dance with the EU Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­tion (GDPR).

Name of the Register

Strea­mec AB - Cus­to­mer data Register

Data cont­rol­ler

Strea­mec AB, Swe­dish orga­niza­tion num­ber: 556618-0815

Per­son in char­ge of Register:

Tho­mas Hans­son
CEO, Strea­mec AB

Pur­po­se of the Register

The pur­po­se of the regis­ter is to act as the cus­to­mer data regis­ter of Strea­mec AB.

The data can be used for the fol­lowing uses:
• Order proces­sing and deli­ve­ry
• Bil­ling and pay­ment tran­sac­tions
• Pro­duc­tion and deve­lop­ment of ser­vices
• Mar­ke­ting

Regu­lar sources of information

The main source of infor­ma­tion is the cus­to­mer her/himself. Infor­ma­tion can also be obtai­ned from public aut­ho­ri­ties, publicly avai­lable inter­net searc­hes, busi­ness regis­ters and joint part­ners.

Con­tent of the Register

The regis­ter main­ly con­tains infor­ma­tion pro­vi­ded by cus­to­mers to Strea­mec AB.

The regis­ter may inclu­de e.g. the fol­lowing cus­to­mer infor­ma­tion:
• The name of the per­son
• Com­pa­ny name and ID
• Email address and pho­ne num­ber
• Pos­tal, bil­ling, and bank details
• Ser­vice and user set­tings
• Pro­duct and ser­vice order infor­ma­tion
• Other cus­to­mer infor­ma­tion requi­red by the Services

Regu­lar disclosures

With the cus­to­mer’s con­sent, the infor­ma­tion may be disclo­sed to the joint part­ners of the cus­to­mer and Strea­mec UK branch for the deli­ve­ry of the pro­ducts and ser­vices orde­red by the cus­to­mer.

The bil­ling infor­ma­tion can be pas­sed on to the pay­ment inter­me­dia­ry.
Data will not be disclo­sed to other third par­ties insi­de or out­si­de the EU. Infor­ma­tion may be disclo­sed to the aut­ho­ri­ties if they sub­mit a request under the local law.

Principles of data pro­tec­tion of Register

Manual mate­rial

Data will not be sto­red as phy­sical items, except for records that are only acces­sible to cer­tain Strea­mec AB and/or UK Branch emplo­yees and accoun­tants who are bound by confidentiality.

Data sto­red in data mana­ge­ment systems

The data is trans­fer­red over an SSL secu­re con­nec­tion.
Elect­ro­nic data is pro­tec­ted by a firewall. Only desig­na­ted emplo­yees of Strea­mec AB have access to regis­ter infor­ma­tion. Emplo­yees are iden­ti­fied with a user­na­me and password. The infor­ma­tion is trea­ted as con­fi­den­tial and may not be disclo­sed to any­one other
than tho­se who are bound by the obli­ga­tion of pro­fes­sio­nal secrecy.

Ins­pec­tion and Pro­hi­bi­tion Right

The data sub­ject has the right to check what infor­ma­tion about him / her has been sto­red in the cus­to­mer data regis­ter and the right to ask us to cor­rect, upda­te, chan­ge or the remo­ve the per­so­nal data at any time. Howe­ver, plea­se note that cer­tain infor­ma­tion is strict­ly neces­sa­ry in order to ful­fill the pur­po­ses defi­ned in this Sta­te­ment and may also be requi­red by law. Thus, such per­so­nal data may not be remo­ved. A writ­ten request for veri­fica­tion must be sent to the per­son in char­ge of the register.

The right of ins­pec­tion is free of char­ge up to once a year.

Data reten­tion time

We will retain per­so­nal infor­ma­tion only for the time neces­sa­ry to reflect the type of per­so­nal data and the pur­po­se for which they are processed.


This web­si­te uses coo­kies. Coo­kies are small text files pro­duced by our web ser­vice that are sto­red in the memo­ry of your brow­ser with the con­sent of your web brow­ser. Coo­kies allow us to ana­lyze your ser­vice requests made by our web ser­vice to your web brow­ser, iden­ti­fy the choices and set­tings you make when using the site, and pro­vi­de per­so­na­lized ser­vices based on them.
The use of coo­kies, (deny or dele­te) can be set in your web brow­ser. Howe­ver, it affects the abi­li­ty for us to deli­ver unique, high-qua­li­ty web services.

Chan­ges to this Statement

We may chan­ge this Sta­te­ment from time to time. If we make any chan­ges to this Sta­te­ment, we will let you know it on our web­si­te at whe­re you will also find the latest ver­sion of this Sta­te­ment.