Pin2 Voice Messaging Service

Enhance the power of your Pin2 

Reach your audience with Pin2 Voice Messaging

Pin2 has a compre­hen­si­ve Voice Mes­sa­ging Ser­vice that enables you to int­ro­duce short infor­ma­tio­nal and mar­ke­ting mes­sa­ges into your Pin2 music stream. We can help you enhance your brand, stand out and inc­rea­se your pro­duct sales.

Pin2 Voice Mes­sa­ging has a libra­ry of rea­dy-made voice mes­sa­ges which can be easi­ly sche­du­led or we can help you to tai­lor mes­sa­ges accor­ding to your wis­hes or other set guidelines.

We can help you script, pro­duce and record your adver­ti­sing ideas for you, using our stable of high­ly skil­led music pro­ducers and voice over artists.

Upda­ting your voice adver­ti­sing over the year is inclu­ded in the ser­vice allowing you to focus on your core business!

Listen to some of our standard Voice Message options!

Setting up your Pin2 Voice Messages

1. Assessing your Voice Messaging needs

We can pro­vi­de you with a libra­ry of rea­dy made Voice Mes­sa­ges or we can wri­te and pro­duce voice mes­sa­ges to meet your exact needs. 

Mes­sa­ges can be for Mar­ke­ting, Infor­ma­tio­nal or Ser­vice based, your staff will thank you for taking the hea­vy lif­ting out of tho­se often repea­ted cus­to­mer infor­ma­tion phrases!


2. Production of your messages

We pro­duce your voice mes­sa­ges in our pro­fes­sio­nal stu­dios accor­ding to your sound brand. Choo­se a voice and bac­king music that suits your sty­le from our exten­si­ve cata­lo­gue. Pro­fes­sio­nal high sound qua­li­ty mes­sa­ges in the sty­le your brand of fit­ness space requires!

3. Distribution

We upload the voice mes­sa­ges to all your loca­tions, to the agreed sche­du­le. Voice mes­sa­ges are typical­ly set up to be played once eve­ry hour and half. This is very unobt­rusi­ve and does not dis­rupt your clients wor­kouts. It means that most clients will only hear the mes­sa­ge once, but they will hear it eve­ry time they visit your site.

Easy deli­ve­ry to one or many locations!

We can help you create the service you need

Gym­music has exten­si­ve know­led­ge in pro­ducing and desig­ning voice mes­sa­ging and audio advertising. 

We will help you with all your sound mes­sa­ging and adver­ti­sing needs from plan­ning to delivery


We DO NOT pro­vi­de voice mes­sa­ges for any third par­ties or ser­vices other than your own. We do not have have any kind of ad fun­ded model. Our Pin2 Voice Mes­sa­ges are inten­ded to keep your cus­to­mers well infor­med about the ser­vices YOU provide.

Why to use voice messages 
in your communication?

Sound stands out!

Voice mes­sa­ges in your Pin2 music stream is an effec­ti­ve way to com­mu­nica­te to exis­ting cus­to­mers. Pos­ters are easi­ly igno­red by cus­to­mers enjo­ying their wor­kout, but spo­ken mes­sa­ges stand out.

Reinforce your brand

Stan­dout among the com­pe­ti­tion with your own audio idents and style 

Increase your conversion

By mes­sa­ging with sound in your gym, you give a call to action in the envi­ron­ment whe­re the cus­to­mer can quickly sign up and get involved.

Enhance the power of your communication

Pin2 Voice Mes­sa­ges enable effec­ti­ve  com­mu­nica­tion for impor­tant mes­sa­ges like ope­ning hours of the venue, safe use of the gym, hygie­ne gui­de­li­nes after re-ope­ning and/or gym etiquet­te etc.

Improve your Retention

Bet­ter infor­med cus­to­mers will stay for longer

Sell more services and products!

Whet­her its pro­tein sha­kes, hoo­dies, PT ses­sions, phy­sio ser­vices, with Pin2 voice mes­sa­ging you can enhance your sales!

Hear the power of Pin2 Voice Messaging Get a free trial at your fitness venue

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