
With Set4Play making your own bran­ded wor­kouts is easy and it means you can set your­self free from expen­si­ve third par­ty pro­vi­ders and har­ness the skills of your exis­ting Group Ex instruc­tor base. 

If you are a gym deli­ve­ring Group Exerci­se to your mem­bers you are like­ly to alrea­dy have a solid base of group fit­ness Instruc­tors. Some of them may be free­lancers, some could be direct­ly emplo­yed eit­her way you have (unwit­tingly) alrea­dy overco­me the most dif­ficult step in crea­ting your own brand of Group Exerci­se: pul­ling toget­her a team who can pro­vi­de the classes.

In that team you will have a wealth of inna­te talent, expe­rience and educa­tion as well as a huge com­bi­ned sum of years of deli­ve­ring group clas­ses: talk to them, see what they like, see what they think the mem­bers of your gym like, unders­tand the key areas that don’t just make them tick, but hum like a fine­ly tuned engi­ne. Now come up with your ‘Brands’. Wit­hout get­ting into the who­le mar­ke­ting deba­te about the natu­re of ‘what is a brand’, think of it like this, somet­hing catc­hy that chi­mes with the sty­le of your gym and your cus­to­mers. Then give it a name that you won’t be embar­ras­sed to tell your cus­to­mers about!

Now think about the core fit­ness areas you want to address, Group Ex has a few well trod­den paths that should not be neglec­ted: ab wor­kouts, HIIT workouts/circuits, leg wor­kouts, upper body wor­kouts. Plus you can come up with a few novel group ex wor­kouts that will work well with your demo­grap­hics and cus­to­mer base.

Now the fun bit starts, get in touch with Gym­music and start a free trial of Set4Play. Take advan­ta­ge of our free trai­ning and get a hands on, per­so­nal­ly deli­ve­red star­ter ses­sion to unders­tand the softwa­re. Invi­te your Instruc­tors along too - after all they might be hel­ping make your new and deli­ver your wor­kouts. Once you have a play­list its as easy as 1,2,3,4.

  1. Use the power­ful search func­tio­na­li­ty to find the tracks you love. Pick from the sig­ned ori­gi­nal artists cata­lo­gue or our roy­al­ty free libra­ry (don’t wor­ry you cant go wrong, we’ve care­ful­ly selec­ted all our tracks with fit­ness and wor­kouts in mind). Pick your favou­ri­tes for futu­re refe­rence and pop the­se in a play­list. Our libra­ry is huge, but if you cant find a speci­fic tracks you can always order in and we’ll get it for you.
  1. Make your mix! You’ve pro­bably been bam­booz­led by Mix Meis­ter befo­re. Set4Play is not that. We use cle­ver, intui­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gy to make mixing a simple and quick plea­su­re. No pre­vious expe­rience neces­sa­ry! It’s real­ly straight forward. The inter­face is obvious. Match your tracks to the work/rest periods in your wor­kout struc­tu­re, may­be add some sound effects to deno­te begin­ning or end of seg­ments, may­be add some cho­reo­grap­hy points to prompt your instruc­tors during the wor­kout and you’re rea­dy to go.
  1. Having ensu­red all your instruc­tors have the Set4Play app on their mobi­le pho­ne, eve­ry instruc­tor on your account gets your mix. It’s down­loa­ded to their device so they can play it offli­ne or when there’s poor recep­tion. This gives them plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn your wor­kout ahead of the first wor­kout and we can even deli­ver your notes, instruc­tions and video via the plat­form to help them get it right.
  1. Deli­ver bril­liant clas­ses that you cont­rol!. With a simple inter­face, count up and count down and on screen remin­ders to help your instruc­tors deli­ve­ring group exerci­se clas­ses with Set4Play is easy to do. Plus there’s some big but­ton cont­rols to cover eve­ry even­tua­li­ty. The mix for your wor­kout is total­ly secu­re, you can even pull it and chan­ge it if you need to. 

If you’ve been on a varied fit­ness jour­ney for any rea­so­nable amount of time you’re going to have expe­rienced great group exerci­se clas­ses and not so great ones. We aim to help you take that guess work out.

You can make as many mixes and crea­te as many clas­ses as you like. You can enable mixing for some, none or all of your instruc­tors and get them to help you build a libra­ry of great wor­kouts. Don’t like a mix? As an Admin you have final sign off and can take down any mixes that aren’t up to your brand stan­dards. Instruc­tor lea­ves, you can pull your mixes or clo­se their account. We pro­vi­de you with total control.

You’ve got this far, just one more step: use the con­tact form on our web­si­te to order a free trial and get underway today.