Background Music for Fitness Spaces

Generates playlists that fits YOUR members. Fully automatic without you having to bother.

A flexible music service to match your style and customer demographics

Gym­music Pin2™ is the high­ly auto­ma­ted music sys­tem crea­ted speci­fical­ly for wor­kout and fit­ness spaces. We have auto­ma­ted all the rele­vant aspects of music deli­ve­ry to pre­sent a ser­vice that will satis­fy your cus­to­mers, save you and your staff time and give you peace of mind that your gym is playing the kind of music you love to hear.

Pin2 can be sche­du­led accor­ding to the gyms’ chan­ging cus­to­mer pro­fi­les through out the day or week to play dif­fe­rent music to match your cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. Gym­music’s specia­list team upda­tes your music libra­ry eve­ry day with new music so your mix of tracks always stays fresh with the latest tunes. This means wit­hout time con­su­ming play­list work, and no repeats!

Tired of cus­to­mer complaints about explicit lyrics? With Pin2 you can fil­ter for that.

With Pin2 it’s super quick and easy to chan­ge the music set­tings when you want to chan­ge the atmosp­he­re, just log in from an Inter­net con­nec­ted device and make the chan­ges you want to hear.

Go auto­ma­ted, get Pin2 and join the revolution!

Pin2 is avai­lable with PPL/PRS compliant, legal, ori­gi­nal artist cata­lo­gues OR roy­al­ty free variants.

Automated Music Scheduling

Select your requi­red music sty­le, gen­re tem­po, year ran­ge and add it to the weekly sche­du­le. Then sit back and enjoy a great flow of music, speci­fical­ly cho­sen for wor­kouts. Plus, Pin2’s smart tech­no­lo­gy ensu­res that the same songs won’t be repea­ting, we keep it fresh!

Automatic Tempo Filter

For dif­fe­rent times of the day, Pin2 can auto­ma­tical­ly adjust the desi­red mini­mum and maxi­mum (BPM) tem­po ran­ge. Enhance your car­dio wor­kouts with more beats per minu­te and enjoy the smi­les on your cus­to­mer faces!


Pin2 can start and stop the music to match your ope­ning hours. Don’t wor­ry, if you’re open 24/7, the music can play continuously!

Automatic Volume Adjust

You can set the Gym­music Pin2 ser­vice to play music at dif­fe­rent volu­mes at dif­fe­rent times of the day. Lots of cus­to­mers on noi­sy tread­mills at 6pm? No problem, the volu­me can auto­ma­tical­ly go up with no need for dai­ly adjust­ments. Need to keep the neigh­bours hap­py after 9pm, no problem.

Automatic Back-up Music

Pin2 con­ti­nues to play music even when the Inter­net isn’t con­nec­ted. We have incor­po­ra­ted many hours of our favou­ri­te tracks so you don’t have to wor­ry about the music cut­ting out if your inter­net con­nec­tion lets you down!

Superior sound quality

Pin2 is equip­ped with an enhanced sound card that beats the sound qua­li­ty of PC’s or tablets. Plus we stream at a hig­her bit rate than most other music ser­vices. Our sound is more accu­ra­te and brighter!

Automatically Updated

Our Con­tent Team works tire­less­ly eve­ry­day to source the very best and latest wor­kout tracks to add to our huge, fit­ness dedica­ted music libra­ry. Plus, our Cus­to­mer Sup­port Team is always the­re to pro­vi­de you with great music 365 days a year. 

Need More?

Multizone Support

If you have more than one loca­tion Pin2 device can be networ­ked in any con­fi­gu­ra­tion. Same music at each site, or simi­lar music at dif­fe­rent locations.

Pin2 Slider

Cont­rol your music remo­te­ly with our Sli­der for your smartp­ho­nes. You can chan­ge the music on the fly! Sli­der resets each night so it’s a great tool to chan­ge the mood of your loca­tion temporarily.

Voice Messaging

Additional Music Streams

We also offer a ran­ge of fixed music chan­nels sui­table for dres­sing rooms, recep­tions, treat­ment rooms / mas­sa­ge and spa areas using the same great Pin2 tech­no­lo­gy but at a more cost effec­ti­ve price. Crea­te an unhur­ried and lei­su­re­ly atmosp­he­re throug­hout your premises. 

Try Pin2 for free for 30 days!

Get Pin2 on a comple­te­ly free 30-day trial period, and deci­de for your­self. Fast dis­patch, ful­ly sup­por­ted, comple­te access, no obligations!