About us

Gymmusic in numbers

Locations using our services in Europe

Tracks played every week

Specially selected original tracks

Who is Gymmusic?

Gym­music began in Swe­den as an inter­net radio ser­vice pro­vi­der way back in 2000, run­ning a varie­ty of radio sta­tions for a local and glo­bal audiences. Ini­tial­ly a pas­sion pro­ject it att­rac­ted a num­ber of audio and tech­no­lo­gy pro­fes­sio­nals, a num­ber of whom are still with the com­pa­ny and gene­ra­ted a loy­al and paying user base. Slow­ly the com­pa­ny expan­ded orga­nical­ly and began to look for other ave­nues to chan­nel their talents…

The CEO, Tho­mas Hans­son wise­ly kept a clo­se eye on the cus­to­mer feed­back and rea­li­sed that a great many of their lis­te­ners hap­pe­ned to be gym owners, each des­pe­ra­te for great mixes to enter­tain this cus­to­mers. Gym­music was born when Tho­mas deci­ded it was time to address the fit­ness mar­ket head on and chal­len­ge the main pro­vi­ders. At that time, in 2010, many sports venues used only radio or CDs as a  source of music. 

Today Gym­music is of Euro­pe’s lar­gest music com­pa­nies in the fit­ness space. We ope­ra­te in Swe­den, Fin­land, Den­mark and the UK with furt­her expan­sion plans. We know the needs and chal­len­ges of the fit­ness industry and have expe­rience of hundreds of cus­to­mers dif­fe­rent situa­tions. Our cus­to­mers are both small and lar­ge sports com­pa­nies: gyms, fit­ness cent­res, resi­den­tial ser­vice pro­vi­ders, swim­ming pools and munici­pal sports providers.

We belie­ve that music is abso­lu­te­ly inte­gral to pro­vi­ding a great cus­to­mer expe­rience. Good music in a great mix will impro­ve your cus­to­mer reten­tion. Many stu­dies have shown that music can help ath­le­tes per­form bet­ter and for lon­ger and good music will bring non-ath­le­tes back for more.

At Gym­music we chal­len­ge the percei­ved wis­dom. We don’t think headp­ho­nes are good for wor­king outs! They make gyms anti-social places and we think fit­ness should be about good times with good friends - get­ting fit toget­her in a great (soun­ding) environment!

We also belie­ve in being inclusi­ve. We proud­ly pro­vi­de music for eve­ry­one, for all ages, gen­ders and tas­tes. This is why with Gym­music we focus hard on put­ting toget­her a great mix of dif­fe­rent types of music. 

Our Promises


Get a real competitive advantage

With our ser­vices, gyms and fit­ness cent­res can crea­te dif­fe­rent music for dif­fe­rent cus­to­mer groups and impro­ve your reten­tion. We use ori­gi­nal artist tracks, all legal and ful­ly licen­sed and have a roy­al­ty free options avai­lable too.

The more sui­ted your music con­tent is to your tar­get audience, the more you can enhance their trai­ning expe­rience. Satis­fied cli­nets will come back again and again.


More time for productive work

Our pro­ducts are desig­ned to be easy to use and desig­ned to save time. Many of our cus­to­mers belie­ve that our ser­vice speaks “the lan­gua­ge of fit­ness”  and that they are the­re­fo­re easy to use even in situa­tions whe­re the­re is litt­le time available.

Our pro­mi­se is that you will never have to touch play­lists when it comes ins­pi­ra­tio­nal music at the gym.


Improved marketing

With the Gym­music Pin2 ser­vice you can har­ness the power of sound for mar­ke­ting and information.

How many of your mem­bers know about all your ser­vices? Are they awa­re that PTs/physios/nutritionists are avai­lable? Are your pos­ters lac­king impact? With Pin2 voice mes­sa­ges, eve­ry­one can learn about what is on offer.

Book a remote presentation of our services

With a 15-minu­te remo­te mee­ting, we can con­sult with you to pro­vi­de you with the best music solu­tion for your venue.